Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What can I expect at my first appointment?
A: Initial appointments typically last one hour and include a physical exam, an interview to determine medical history and current health concerns, and an assessment by Dr. Neustadt to establish the best course of treatment. Dr. Neustadt can order all routine tests, and maintains an account at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Laboratory
and Radiology Departments for such services. If other, more sophisticated testing is recommended, Dr. Neustadt will discuss that with you during your appointment. Routine complaints such as the common cold and flu, however, are usually much shorter, lasting about 20 minutes. Follow-up visits are typically scheduled for 30 minutes.
Q: Will insurance reimburse me for naturopathic care?
A: The clinic does not bill insurance; however, we provide billing and diagnostic codes for our services so that patients can submit to their insurance company for reimbursement. Insurance reimbursement is available through most healthcare plans.
Q: What methods of payment are accepted?
A: Payment is expected at the time of service. We accept cash, check, Visa and Mastercard.
Q: How is a naturopathic doctor different from a medical doctor?
A: Naturopathic physicians undergo training that is similar in structure and scope to that of medical and osteopathic doctors. Naturopathic medical colleges are four-year graduate schools that are accredited nationally by the US Department of Education and by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education. Naturopathic medical programs require all students fulfill rigorous admissions requirements comparable to other medical schools.
The Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) degree is awarded after
classroom, clinic and practical study, including rotations in teaching
clinics and hospitals. ND's are trained in medical sciences including
anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, immunology,
pharmacology, cardiology, neurology, radiology, minor surgery,
obstetrics, gynecology, embryology, pediatrics, psychology,
pharmacology, minor surgery, dermatology, and clinical and physical
diagnosis. The training also includes extensive study of naturopathic
philosophy and therapeutics including therapeutic nutrition, botanical
medicine, hydrotherapy, manipulative therapy, and counseling. Because coursework in natural therapeutics is added to a standard medical curriculum, naturopathic doctors often receive significantly more hours of classroom education in these areas than the graduates of many leading medical schools, including Yale, Stanford, and Johns Hopkins.
Similar to medical and osteopathic doctors, naturopathic doctors must pass two sets of national board exams. The first exam tests basic sciences knowledge and is administered after the second year of the program, while the second exam tests clinical knowledge and is administered after the fourth year of the program. The naturopathic medical board exams are administered by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE).
Montana is one of 15 states that license naturopathic doctors. As such, Dr. Neustadt is able to prescribe medications when necessary; however, he prefers natural, safer alternatives when appropriate.
Q: What is biochemical testing?
A: The MetaCT™ family of tests provides a unique evaluation of the underlying biochemical dysfunctions that cause and maintain disease. They
can evaluate including amino acids, vitamins, minerals, toxic metals, food intolerances, fasting serum insulin and blood glucose, markers of inflammation and free radical damage, among others. These tests consist of an easy blood and/or urine collection. Based on the test results, Dr. Neustadt develops a customized medical nutritional program that promotes health by correcting the patient’s biochemical abnormalities.
Q: How successful has this approach been?
A: Dr. Neustadt has charted a more than 95% success rate with his patients using this approach. Because the MetaCT
tests identifies the underlying causes of disease and symptoms, customized nutrient protocols are extremely effective at restoring biochemical, and thus physical health. Many people report feeling better within two days of starting their treatment.
Q: Am I a good candidate for biochemical testing?
A: With the help of these thorough tests, Dr. Neustadt has seen tremendous improvement in patients suffering from a myriad of complaints. Some of his patients have quite extensive and complicated medical histories and have exhausted conventional medical treatment. These people are frequently desperate for answers and Dr. Neustadt has the expertise that they need to return to good health and an improved quality of life.
Additionally, Dr. Neustadt has had a high success rate in treating many common complaints including anxiety, depression, insomnia, food sensitivities, weight gain, thyroid disorder, IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis and osteoporosis.
Q: Does Dr. Neustadt test for food allergies?
A: Yes. Dr. Neustadt can order both immuneglobulin E (IgE) and IgG food allergy tests. Eighty percent of the immune system is clustered around the intestines. Frequently, people react to foods that they crave or eat frequently, such as milk and eggs, which can be detected through a special blood test. In these instances, running an IgG Food Intolerance Test to evaluate how your immune system reacts to 88 specific foods yields better clinical information than ordering an IgE test. Conventional doctors only test for IgE-mediated allergies; IgE-mediated allergies cause anaphylactic reactions, which are the life-threatening reaction some people experience to bee stings or peanuts.
IgG, on the other hand, is a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction that is not immediately apparent and not immediately life threatening. An IgG reaction causes a chronic inflammatory state in the gut, which creates damages the intestinal lining. Over time this can create malabsorption, sometimes called "leaky gut," decreased ability to digest and absorb nutrients and nutritional deficiencies. Symptoms of food allergies include gas/bloating, post-nasal drip, headaches, difficulty losing weight, fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, rashes (eg, eczema) and constipation or diarrhea. Multiple studies have confirmed the usefulness of testing and eliminating foods based on the IgG test. Many patients have been helped with this simple and effective approach.